Blog #25 Magazine Planning - Possible Topics

Hi there readers, as you know we are in the process of doing research and figuring out how our magazines will turn out. Throughout this process my team and I brainstormed some ideas that could be featured in our magazines. Although all members will be focusing on things geared towards woman’s interest we all agreed the complexities of women go far beyond makeup and fashion. Although we enjoy those  things as well it is not all we enjoy. 

My group and I came up with a couple of topics we will explore 
  • Fitness / Dieting
  • Entrepreneurship 
  • Photography
  • Sports
  • Film & Media Reviews
  • Travel
  • Fashion / Style

Though some of these topics are not traditional to a woman’s magazine as young women we feel these topics hit close to home and are definitely ideas worth exploring. Pictured below is an array of photos I’ve taken of me enjoying these things from a first person P.O.V. With love, Mya see you next time!

Citations- Collage made in Canva * All photos are original and taken by me.


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