Blog #1 General Blog Introduction
Hello, welcome to my blog!
My name is Mya and I am very excited to start this Aice Media Studies course. The purpose of this blog is to document the knowledge and skills I will develop in order to complete my final project.
- My final project will be..... drum roll please a film opening! Where I will apply the creative camera techniques and production skills to have a final film opening. Im pretty excited to put my 10 year old self video and editing skills to the test.
- Learning how to properly film and edit to create the intentions I wish to portray are skills that will benefit me throughout this project. The skills that I hope to learn to be successful are the institutional conventions of a commercial cinema. Basically my film will be Jordan Peele worthy.
- The main task i will be tackling is this blog! I will produce my media product (film) while also documenting the process including research, planning and production. A critical reflection will also be made in a creative digital format answering prompt questions.
- From start to finish this component will contain a portfolio, documented process, research and a finished film. Come tackle this journey with me, myself and my blog.
Citation: Graphic made in canva for this blog and my introduction page of the blog.
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