Blog #27 Magazine Planning - Class-wide surveys

 Welcome back readers, the results are in, and here is what the people want to see. I will be chipping in with my comments throughout the blog. Enjoy the survey results they’re were some interesting conclusions.

  • Around 77% of our 27 participants were female which positively impacts our research outcome’s.

  • The name “Divine Woman” took majority votes, surprisingly might I add. Personally I was drawn to the second most popular name “Aphrodite”. I am glad we got the opinion of my classmates on this, because now we can properly market our magazine.

  • The idea of a diverse cover in an editorial style is something I am excited to depict and hope my team and I do it justice.

  • The Empowerment and positivity aspects is something I resonate with and will use this feedback to my advantage.

  • As we do have a younger audience it was no surprise the fun and relaxed category took home the win.

  • The Top 4 choices were predictable in my opinion and I am happy to be taking on the sports aespect of a Woman’s magazine. I will take this opportunity to expose my peers to something they might’ve steered away from.


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